Practical session of enumerators' training
Enumerators in practical session of the training

Carbon projects rely on well-collected and stored data about stove usage. For this purpose, our consultants from AnchorEco introduced the use of an application called KoboToolbox for data collection. A refresher training was necessary to ensure that all the staff in the field used this tool properly for the successful implementation of our ongoing carbon project for distributing improved cook stoves in Rusizi District, Rwanda.

For the best use of the registration of installed Improved Cook Stoves, this refresher training has been prepared and held on the 25th October 2023 at RDIS Head Office and facilitated by the consultants for those staff directly involved in the project, especially on the work of enumerators. To learn from the experiences, some practical cases of the registration work have been explored, and a reminder to the enumerator’s value has been recalled. Committed to the success of their work, enumerators reaffirmed to abide to their work and to neatly joint their efforts to the success of the project.

Since late 2022, RDIS in partnership with CANOPY ENERGIES SAS is distributing 50,000 Improved Cook Stoves (ICS) in Rusizi District with aim to prevent emission of 700,000 tCO2eq over the next six years. For this, Project Manager and Field Coordinator are working together with enumerators in a day to day management of the project.

  RDIS Enumerators Training 4 25 Oct 2023 RDIS Enumerators Training 6 25 Oct 2023


Vision Statement
A Holy Soul in a Healthy Body.
Mission Statement
To safeguard environment, increase the production aiming at sustainable and holistic development.
Objectives Statement
To promote sustainable development by mobilizing the community members to lift themselves out of poverty.